Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 2 in the life of puppy Eve & Andrea

Here we are watching Glee.  I think it's Eve's new favorite show.  She's so perfect!  I am exhausted!  We had a pretty good night actually.  I did wake up at about midnight and discovered she was not on her bed beside me.  I scoured the condo looking for her and couldn't find her!  Ok, she couldn't have gotten that far in a 650 square foot condo!  Where was she you ask?  Well she had slid off her bed, under my bed.  All that was sticking out was 4 little paws.  She is actually looking at me right now with a "You think that was funny?" look. 
She woke up at 2am and after about a 1/2 hour outside she finally had her very first pee outside.  I was so proud.  She went straight back to sleep and was up and at 'em at 5am.  I could here her little bell jingling around the condo and when I came out to find her I discovered a toy near the window?  Oh no what has she ruined????  I bent down, touched it and guess what, puppy Eve had taken a poop by the window!  Lovely!  We took Nikki out for a birthday lunch today to our first restaurant.  Oh now please don't relieve yourself in the restaurant.  NO she didn't.  Phew!  But as soon as we got home she found a lovely spot on the hard wood floor.  We need more paper towels!!!
We receive an overwhelming response to our blog today.  I was shocked to find about 40 emails waiting for me this afternoon.  I will respond to you in time, but for now please follow us on the blog.  You can even post comments here!  Of course our first email response was from Michael and guide dog Cody.  It is because of the inspiration I get every time I see Michael that I decided to become a puppy raiser.  We promise to visit you this weekend! 
I wish I could share more this evening but Eve is now tugging at the computer cords, which may be a sign that she has to go out and relieve herself?  Somehow I doubt it. 
Until next time.
Andrea & Eve

1 comment:

  1. This picture is so nice! Eve looks like she has a big smile on her face.
    You are also an inspiration to us and we appreciate the time and love you are putting into your new job as mommy to Eve. BC Guide Dogs is obviously a big part of our lives and we're glad you're a part of it too. Thank you :-)
