Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 365 - Week 53 ONE YEAR

WOW  one full year with Eve and how far the two of us have come.  Remember those days of hell one year ago?  Now my little princess sleeps soundly at my side and what a princess she has become.  She never did grow out of those early mornings.  Sure enough just this morning she had her paws and head up on my bed and rested her head on any part of my body she could reach.  Yes it was only 5:40 am!!!!  Finally I lift my tired body from my comfy bed to feed the little one and outside we go to get busy!  Two bags full this morning!  Now guess who is sleeping soundly all curled up in a little ball?????

I guess I better update everyone on Eve's weight since our last blog!  She has GAINED a whopping 3 more pounds.  I was devastated!  She has to work out more...we now have 6 lbs to lose!  Oh boy this is hard stuff!

This past weekend we went to work at the Mall to drive awareness and hopefully raise some money for BC Guide Dogs.  Eve and all the dogs were wonderful.  The other gorgeous puppies were Kramer, Zulu and Dream.  Of course everyone loved Eve (and all the pups) and of course she loved the attention.  This is the rare time that we actually allow people to pet the dogs while they have their working vests on.  We raised $1,000 and received 2 puppy sponsorships.  There are so many ways to help BC Guide Dogs.  You can log on to the website at bcguidedog.com and make a donation or how about sponsor a puppy.  For just a small monthly donation you will help raise a puppy and the fun part is you will receive updates on one specific pup you are helping to raise through your contribution.  Of course there is always volunteering or becoming a puppy raiser yourself.

This whole experience has changed me and I'm happy to say for the better!  I am sad to think that Eve will be leaving me soon but I'm so excited to see her change someones life and I'm so proud that I was part of that!  I only wish she was going to Michael so that I could see her all the time but Michael has Cody now.  Of course we all love Cody and Eve considers him her big brother.  Hopefully Eve will stay in the local area and I can see her from time to time, but regardless she is going to enhance the life of someone who is in greater need than I am.

This is a photo of Eve helping me at work!  How funny is that!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 350 - Week 51 CHUNKY MONKEY

Did I mention that Chunky Monkey weighs in at 61.2 lbs!?  Well tomorrow she is weighing in again and we are hoping to lose 3 lbs.  She looks bigger if you ask me!  Oh, no I'm a bit worried.  We will keep you posted on her weight loss program.

I'm not sure why I wait so long to blog.  So much happens and then I forget when it's time to write.  Since we last posted an update we have been to Peachland TWICE.  Eve loves going to visit Grandpa.  She loves him a lot!  She especially loved the last two trips cause her big brother Cody came with us.  Take a look at the photo below.  She really looks up to him...let's hope she follows in his paw prints!

In mid-August I went to Fort St James for a visit and Eve stayed at Calypso's house.  She loved it.  She loves a lot of things.  She got to play all weekend and was completely worn out after the weekend!

We've also gone on a couple of business trips to Whistler which is always great fun in the office.  Recycling containers full of water bottles are one of her favourites!

We also went on a puppy walk on the beach with Eve's sister Maggie.  Maggie has been placed in a home and we went for a final walk.  Hopefully it wasn't final and that we will see her again.  We went out to the Spanish Banks doggie beach.  We'd never been there before.  Maggie and Eve played so hard.  I don't think I have ever seen Eve have such a blast.  The tide was out and so we walked forever and they played and played and played.  When we got home, Eve could not even open up her eyes a smidge for 5 hours!  She finally got up to get busy.  It was a great day!  We are sure gonna miss Mags!

Well we are off to the Vet tomorrow to drop off yet another stool sample.  Hopefully everything will be cleared up and we can finally get her off metamucil once and for all.  Keep your fingers crossed that Eve has lost those dreaded 3 lbs.  Those seem to be the hardest to lose!  But Eve really wants to get her slim figure and waist back!