Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 2 - Monday

Eve discovered a new toy today!  THE ICE CUBE!  Now I should actually look at video taping her with an ice cube because it is so hilarious how she pounces on it as it slips away.  She is so playful in the morning it drives me nuts as I'm trying to get ready for work!  Well the ice cube was a great distraction and when she was done I gave her another one.  She played with it for about 10 seconds and then looked at me as if to say "Is that all you're going to do is give me ice cubes all day?  Well, I'm done with the ice cubes for now!"  Luckily by 8am she is ready for a power nap!  We attempted a walk this morning to attend a coffee meeting.  She will now walk a half block!  There was a puppy about the size of her across the street who was walking along so happily as Eve sat there not moving.  "Why can't you move like that puppy?" I asked her.  She just looked at me and smiled with those puppy dog eyes. 
We are off to a meeting tomorrow and it should be very interesting!


  1. This is one cute puppy. She has a great face!

  2. She is pretty freakin adorable. By the way I just discovered how to read the comments!
