Eve has been a very busy girl. First let's get a weigh-in. 67.0 lbs. For those of you keeping track that is another pound gained! We are now 9 lbs over weight! Well Chunky has had a change of diet recently and the food she is on now should have her losing about 2 lbs per month. Let's hope so!
We've been to Whistler a couple of times, gone on some great puppy off-leash walks, been eating at some fabulous restaurants and this week we will be heading to Peachland for Christmas.
Today we had brunch with the girls on the annual Christmas get-together at the Bacchus Restaurant. It was so lovely and Eve was so happy to see the girls again. Especially Pam of course! Jeff arrived and Eve was excited to see him as well.
Eve is getting set to go to College next month and she's pretty pumped. Me? Not so much! Luckily we get to spend Christmas together and that should be nice.
Eve and I go for this great 1.5 hour walk across Cambie St Bridge and then to the off-leash park near Granville Island. She absolutely loves it and is wiped when we get home. This is a picture of Eve on that walk with the city skyline in the background! I just love this picture.
We will send more updates during the holidays!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Day 420 - Week 61 LOVE ALL AROUND
First update is on Chunky's weight...up almost another pound to 66.2 lbs! We'll leave it at that and carry on.
We have had a fun filled few weeks. Eve got her annual shots the first week of November and thanks to Bob Marshall for taking her to the Vet for me. No allergic reactions which was great news.
2nd week of November we headed across the border to Point Roberts for dinner at David Carter's. We arrived in the dark and knocked on the wrong door. Eve was off leash and ran straight into the house and who knows what she was doing in there while I'm yelling at her to come back! Oh boy...was that ever funny! We made our way to David's and unfortunately someone got her a bit excited and her wagging tail knocked over a glass of...you guessed it...red wine!
The next night was the annual BC Guide Dog trivia night. Thanks to Ver, Ellen, David and Lesley for joining me and supporting BC Guide Dogs. It was a fun filled night. We were literally matched up with former JEOPARDY contestants. WOW were they ever smart and WOW were we ever...oh never mind. It was fun although we didn't win! Next year!
This week, poor Evey got very sick! She threw up 4 times and had the runs all day. Linda suggested I take her to the vet as I feared the rumour of the dog park being poisoned might be true! What a scared mom I was! Thankfully she is fine and it wasn't poison. Today she appears to be back to normal. We even went out for a walk with BC Guide dog puppy Sacha! She is adorable and only 12 weeks old. Sacha was in the back of my vehicle with Eve and little Eve became very possessive over toys she never ever plays with!
Thanks to Pam & Jeff for watching Eve while I spent an afternoon of shopping. And a BIG THANK YOU to Evan, Cameron and Megan for helping out as well and especially for loving her so much! When Eve arrived at their home she ran in searching for the kids like she lived there or something! She was disappointed when she didn't find them but they came home soon after! She loves them a lot!!!!!
Here is a photo of Eve with Evan, Cameron and Megan! Lots of love! Oh no...is that Eve on the sofa???
We have had a fun filled few weeks. Eve got her annual shots the first week of November and thanks to Bob Marshall for taking her to the Vet for me. No allergic reactions which was great news.
2nd week of November we headed across the border to Point Roberts for dinner at David Carter's. We arrived in the dark and knocked on the wrong door. Eve was off leash and ran straight into the house and who knows what she was doing in there while I'm yelling at her to come back! Oh boy...was that ever funny! We made our way to David's and unfortunately someone got her a bit excited and her wagging tail knocked over a glass of...you guessed it...red wine!
The next night was the annual BC Guide Dog trivia night. Thanks to Ver, Ellen, David and Lesley for joining me and supporting BC Guide Dogs. It was a fun filled night. We were literally matched up with former JEOPARDY contestants. WOW were they ever smart and WOW were we ever...oh never mind. It was fun although we didn't win! Next year!
This week, poor Evey got very sick! She threw up 4 times and had the runs all day. Linda suggested I take her to the vet as I feared the rumour of the dog park being poisoned might be true! What a scared mom I was! Thankfully she is fine and it wasn't poison. Today she appears to be back to normal. We even went out for a walk with BC Guide dog puppy Sacha! She is adorable and only 12 weeks old. Sacha was in the back of my vehicle with Eve and little Eve became very possessive over toys she never ever plays with!
Thanks to Pam & Jeff for watching Eve while I spent an afternoon of shopping. And a BIG THANK YOU to Evan, Cameron and Megan for helping out as well and especially for loving her so much! When Eve arrived at their home she ran in searching for the kids like she lived there or something! She was disappointed when she didn't find them but they came home soon after! She loves them a lot!!!!!
Here is a photo of Eve with Evan, Cameron and Megan! Lots of love! Oh no...is that Eve on the sofa???
Monday, October 31, 2011
Day 400 - Week 58 SPOOKY SPIDER
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! We had a spooktacular day! Puppy Eve spent the past 4 days with Mark and Gill as I headed up North for the weekend. She came home this afternoon just in time for Halloween! She loves dressing up for Halloween...ok maybe not! BUT Lexus sure did have fun dressing her up. She was a princess spider and then in the end just a plain old scary spider. Check it out in the photo below but warn children first so as not to scare them!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Day 392 - Week 57 MUNCH
Munch is short for Munchkin. That's Evey's pet name! It is really hard to believe it is getting so close to her leaving me for College. 57 weeks so far! Wow...where has the time gone. She is still my little snuggly monster as she lies here by my side!
We spent Thanksgiving with the family in Peachland and she even went to spend the night with Lexus and family. She was very spoiled over there and snuggled with everyone in bed. They gave her lots of love, especially Lexus. They were sad to think they might never see her again but it appears we may have her for Christmas which will be awesome!
We've been very busy this month with individual training with Linda at Granville Island, eyes checked, vet appointment, obedience classes and working in the Mall. Unfortunately little munch has gained more weight. Remember she needs to get down to 58 lbs. She is now at a whopping 65.6 lbs! Oh boy!
We met a puppy about a year ago named Luka. His parents (human parents) are from Turkey. We see them from time to time and this afternoon we joined them for a walk and great fun at a new park for us at False Creek. Eve had a blast. Of course she slept all afternoon.
Well we are getting ready for Halloween. Eve wants to be a spider. So look out for her Halloween blog.
We spent a few hours at Richmond Centre this weekend bringing awareness to the wonderful work these amazing dogs do. It was a lot of fun. This is a picture of Eve with her sister, Brookes. They're not real sisters just Guide dog sisters. If you look close, they are touching paws! They are so adorable!
We spent Thanksgiving with the family in Peachland and she even went to spend the night with Lexus and family. She was very spoiled over there and snuggled with everyone in bed. They gave her lots of love, especially Lexus. They were sad to think they might never see her again but it appears we may have her for Christmas which will be awesome!
We've been very busy this month with individual training with Linda at Granville Island, eyes checked, vet appointment, obedience classes and working in the Mall. Unfortunately little munch has gained more weight. Remember she needs to get down to 58 lbs. She is now at a whopping 65.6 lbs! Oh boy!
We met a puppy about a year ago named Luka. His parents (human parents) are from Turkey. We see them from time to time and this afternoon we joined them for a walk and great fun at a new park for us at False Creek. Eve had a blast. Of course she slept all afternoon.
Well we are getting ready for Halloween. Eve wants to be a spider. So look out for her Halloween blog.
We spent a few hours at Richmond Centre this weekend bringing awareness to the wonderful work these amazing dogs do. It was a lot of fun. This is a picture of Eve with her sister, Brookes. They're not real sisters just Guide dog sisters. If you look close, they are touching paws! They are so adorable!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Day 365 - Week 53 ONE YEAR
WOW one full year with Eve and how far the two of us have come. Remember those days of hell one year ago? Now my little princess sleeps soundly at my side and what a princess she has become. She never did grow out of those early mornings. Sure enough just this morning she had her paws and head up on my bed and rested her head on any part of my body she could reach. Yes it was only 5:40 am!!!! Finally I lift my tired body from my comfy bed to feed the little one and outside we go to get busy! Two bags full this morning! Now guess who is sleeping soundly all curled up in a little ball?????
I guess I better update everyone on Eve's weight since our last blog! She has GAINED a whopping 3 more pounds. I was devastated! She has to work out more...we now have 6 lbs to lose! Oh boy this is hard stuff!
This past weekend we went to work at the Mall to drive awareness and hopefully raise some money for BC Guide Dogs. Eve and all the dogs were wonderful. The other gorgeous puppies were Kramer, Zulu and Dream. Of course everyone loved Eve (and all the pups) and of course she loved the attention. This is the rare time that we actually allow people to pet the dogs while they have their working vests on. We raised $1,000 and received 2 puppy sponsorships. There are so many ways to help BC Guide Dogs. You can log on to the website at bcguidedog.com and make a donation or how about sponsor a puppy. For just a small monthly donation you will help raise a puppy and the fun part is you will receive updates on one specific pup you are helping to raise through your contribution. Of course there is always volunteering or becoming a puppy raiser yourself.
This whole experience has changed me and I'm happy to say for the better! I am sad to think that Eve will be leaving me soon but I'm so excited to see her change someones life and I'm so proud that I was part of that! I only wish she was going to Michael so that I could see her all the time but Michael has Cody now. Of course we all love Cody and Eve considers him her big brother. Hopefully Eve will stay in the local area and I can see her from time to time, but regardless she is going to enhance the life of someone who is in greater need than I am.
This is a photo of Eve helping me at work! How funny is that!
I guess I better update everyone on Eve's weight since our last blog! She has GAINED a whopping 3 more pounds. I was devastated! She has to work out more...we now have 6 lbs to lose! Oh boy this is hard stuff!
This past weekend we went to work at the Mall to drive awareness and hopefully raise some money for BC Guide Dogs. Eve and all the dogs were wonderful. The other gorgeous puppies were Kramer, Zulu and Dream. Of course everyone loved Eve (and all the pups) and of course she loved the attention. This is the rare time that we actually allow people to pet the dogs while they have their working vests on. We raised $1,000 and received 2 puppy sponsorships. There are so many ways to help BC Guide Dogs. You can log on to the website at bcguidedog.com and make a donation or how about sponsor a puppy. For just a small monthly donation you will help raise a puppy and the fun part is you will receive updates on one specific pup you are helping to raise through your contribution. Of course there is always volunteering or becoming a puppy raiser yourself.
This is a photo of Eve helping me at work! How funny is that!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Day 350 - Week 51 CHUNKY MONKEY
Did I mention that Chunky Monkey weighs in at 61.2 lbs!? Well tomorrow she is weighing in again and we are hoping to lose 3 lbs. She looks bigger if you ask me! Oh, no I'm a bit worried. We will keep you posted on her weight loss program.
I'm not sure why I wait so long to blog. So much happens and then I forget when it's time to write. Since we last posted an update we have been to Peachland TWICE. Eve loves going to visit Grandpa. She loves him a lot! She especially loved the last two trips cause her big brother Cody came with us. Take a look at the photo below. She really looks up to him...let's hope she follows in his paw prints!
In mid-August I went to Fort St James for a visit and Eve stayed at Calypso's house. She loved it. She loves a lot of things. She got to play all weekend and was completely worn out after the weekend!
We've also gone on a couple of business trips to Whistler which is always great fun in the office. Recycling containers full of water bottles are one of her favourites!
We also went on a puppy walk on the beach with Eve's sister Maggie. Maggie has been placed in a home and we went for a final walk. Hopefully it wasn't final and that we will see her again. We went out to the Spanish Banks doggie beach. We'd never been there before. Maggie and Eve played so hard. I don't think I have ever seen Eve have such a blast. The tide was out and so we walked forever and they played and played and played. When we got home, Eve could not even open up her eyes a smidge for 5 hours! She finally got up to get busy. It was a great day! We are sure gonna miss Mags!
Well we are off to the Vet tomorrow to drop off yet another stool sample. Hopefully everything will be cleared up and we can finally get her off metamucil once and for all. Keep your fingers crossed that Eve has lost those dreaded 3 lbs. Those seem to be the hardest to lose! But Eve really wants to get her slim figure and waist back!
I'm not sure why I wait so long to blog. So much happens and then I forget when it's time to write. Since we last posted an update we have been to Peachland TWICE. Eve loves going to visit Grandpa. She loves him a lot! She especially loved the last two trips cause her big brother Cody came with us. Take a look at the photo below. She really looks up to him...let's hope she follows in his paw prints!
In mid-August I went to Fort St James for a visit and Eve stayed at Calypso's house. She loved it. She loves a lot of things. She got to play all weekend and was completely worn out after the weekend!
We've also gone on a couple of business trips to Whistler which is always great fun in the office. Recycling containers full of water bottles are one of her favourites!
We also went on a puppy walk on the beach with Eve's sister Maggie. Maggie has been placed in a home and we went for a final walk. Hopefully it wasn't final and that we will see her again. We went out to the Spanish Banks doggie beach. We'd never been there before. Maggie and Eve played so hard. I don't think I have ever seen Eve have such a blast. The tide was out and so we walked forever and they played and played and played. When we got home, Eve could not even open up her eyes a smidge for 5 hours! She finally got up to get busy. It was a great day! We are sure gonna miss Mags!
Well we are off to the Vet tomorrow to drop off yet another stool sample. Hopefully everything will be cleared up and we can finally get her off metamucil once and for all. Keep your fingers crossed that Eve has lost those dreaded 3 lbs. Those seem to be the hardest to lose! But Eve really wants to get her slim figure and waist back!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A lot has happened since the birthday girl turned one! We attended Khatsalano Days as BC Guide Dogs had a booth there. Of course Eve and Purdy were hits! It was a gorgeous day and it did get a bit hot for the pups around noon time. Eve was sort of "off duty". They were allowed to be very social and have people pet them. Of course Eve was in her glory.
Last weekend we attended the BC Guide Dogs annual Summer bbq. It was a blast. Eve loves spending time with all her Guide dog brothers and sisters. They are not her real brothers and sisters but she still loves them just the same. We played musical chairs and Eve and I almost went all the way!
We've been doing some visiting and went to Dorothy's in Surrey. She didn't really seem to mind Eve eating her lawn, pooping in her lawn and leaving her gorgeous home full of Eve's blond fur! Dorothy, you are too kind! We went to Whistler and had a fun time playing with Chloe. She loves her big sister and they always have a great time together. We've gone on many walks with Dougal lately. Last weekend we went on our longest hike ever - 3 hours! Ok, we did get lost but it was great exercise and a beautiful hike.
Eve did give me a big scare today! We went to Pacific Spirit Park on West 4th. We've been many times. Eve loves to chase after big brother Dougal. Well they took a left turn that was supposed to be a right and the left turn took them right on to a busy road across from the beach. I FREAKED! I was sure Eve was hit by a car although we hadn't heard any screeching. After just a few minutes, Dougal came a running from the beach all wet, but were was Eve? Well just a few seconds later she showed up looking for her big brother and ran into Ver's arms! How they crossed that busy street, I will never know! Perhaps Eve put her Guide Dog skills to work and sat at the curb and waited until it was safe for the two of them to cross! Thank GOD the two dogs are safe.
I love this picture. This is Eve and Ellen hangin' at the beach!
Last weekend we attended the BC Guide Dogs annual Summer bbq. It was a blast. Eve loves spending time with all her Guide dog brothers and sisters. They are not her real brothers and sisters but she still loves them just the same. We played musical chairs and Eve and I almost went all the way!
We've been doing some visiting and went to Dorothy's in Surrey. She didn't really seem to mind Eve eating her lawn, pooping in her lawn and leaving her gorgeous home full of Eve's blond fur! Dorothy, you are too kind! We went to Whistler and had a fun time playing with Chloe. She loves her big sister and they always have a great time together. We've gone on many walks with Dougal lately. Last weekend we went on our longest hike ever - 3 hours! Ok, we did get lost but it was great exercise and a beautiful hike.
Eve did give me a big scare today! We went to Pacific Spirit Park on West 4th. We've been many times. Eve loves to chase after big brother Dougal. Well they took a left turn that was supposed to be a right and the left turn took them right on to a busy road across from the beach. I FREAKED! I was sure Eve was hit by a car although we hadn't heard any screeching. After just a few minutes, Dougal came a running from the beach all wet, but were was Eve? Well just a few seconds later she showed up looking for her big brother and ran into Ver's arms! How they crossed that busy street, I will never know! Perhaps Eve put her Guide Dog skills to work and sat at the curb and waited until it was safe for the two of them to cross! Thank GOD the two dogs are safe.
I love this picture. This is Eve and Ellen hangin' at the beach!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Day 291 - Week 42 HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY EVE
Today was a very special day as the little one turned the big ONE! I'm so proud of her. She is so grown up. We had an amazing birthday party and all of Eve's buddies and big brothers attended - Cody, Tucker and Doogle. She also invited her favourite human friends - Ellen, Ver, Nicole, Michael, Nikki, and Lesley. We had Thai food and a humungous birthday cake! Of course the doggies didn't get any of it. We took them to the park for a little play and Eve had the time of her life with her friends! She is tuckered out and fast asleep right now. It was a memorable birthday. Thanks to everyone for the awesome puppy gifts. Eve's toy basket is overflowing!!!!! We can't wait to wake up in the morning and play with them again!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Day 275 - Week 40 MEAN BULL DOG
There is so much to talk about since our last blog. Eve cheered on the Canucks like the rest of us and joined in on all the fun at the Hub and Hurricane Grill. Oh and we won't mention the time we lost Eve at Hurricane Grill! How does an 11 month old puppy disappear out of the site of 8 people?? Sad that it ended in a loss in Game 7 of the finals and even worse that it ended with that ridiculous riot! Embarrassing! Well, life goes on and we signed Bieksa today so that's great news.
We met a cutie patutie at the dog park! Well I did. Eve sniffs his dog a bit but she's female so that's no fun. Anyways Cutie even offered to pick up Eve's poop yesterday. What a guy! We wonder what his name is! We just call him Cutie From The Park!
We met with Michael and guide dog Cody on Sunday at Coopers Park. Eve was so ecstatic to see Cody I couldn't get her leash off quick enough. I couldn't believe she remembered him. It had been awhile. We had a lot of fun and it was a gorgeous afternoon.
We met with Linda today to go for a walk and check out Eve's progress. Linda said of all the puppies Eve has had the most change. Especially recently. She is matured, grown and the biggest sweetheart ever! I made Linda promise she is going to go to a very special person! I can't even think about her leaving in November so we won't talk about that!
I guess you are wondering when I am going to get to the subject of MEAN BULL DOG in the title of this blog! Well, Eve got roughed up yesterday by a mean bully of a puppy! He ran at Eve and jumped on her, and bit her...BUT wait till you see him! Tank is the cutest puppy I have ever seen (outside of Eve of course). He's 8 weeks old, fits in both palms of your hands, he's brown with a white scrunched up face and one white paw. He has a thick red collar and his legs are tiny little stumps. And he LOVES Eve. Eve was amazing. She was so gentle with the pup and let him roll on her and bite her. I can't wait to share all the pictures I took. I can only attach one photo per blog so enjoy the one attached here! We love Tank (or was his name Hank?)! Here he is roughing up Eve!
We met a cutie patutie at the dog park! Well I did. Eve sniffs his dog a bit but she's female so that's no fun. Anyways Cutie even offered to pick up Eve's poop yesterday. What a guy! We wonder what his name is! We just call him Cutie From The Park!
We met with Michael and guide dog Cody on Sunday at Coopers Park. Eve was so ecstatic to see Cody I couldn't get her leash off quick enough. I couldn't believe she remembered him. It had been awhile. We had a lot of fun and it was a gorgeous afternoon.
We met with Linda today to go for a walk and check out Eve's progress. Linda said of all the puppies Eve has had the most change. Especially recently. She is matured, grown and the biggest sweetheart ever! I made Linda promise she is going to go to a very special person! I can't even think about her leaving in November so we won't talk about that!
I guess you are wondering when I am going to get to the subject of MEAN BULL DOG in the title of this blog! Well, Eve got roughed up yesterday by a mean bully of a puppy! He ran at Eve and jumped on her, and bit her...BUT wait till you see him! Tank is the cutest puppy I have ever seen (outside of Eve of course). He's 8 weeks old, fits in both palms of your hands, he's brown with a white scrunched up face and one white paw. He has a thick red collar and his legs are tiny little stumps. And he LOVES Eve. Eve was amazing. She was so gentle with the pup and let him roll on her and bite her. I can't wait to share all the pictures I took. I can only attach one photo per blog so enjoy the one attached here! We love Tank (or was his name Hank?)! Here he is roughing up Eve!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
On May 29, Eve and I participated in the Ladner May Day Parade with BC Guide Dogs. It was a lovely spring day and a great day for a parade. This was our first ever parade. I think there were about 12 puppies and Eve and I enjoyed waving to the people as they oooooed and ahhhhhed as we walked by. After the parade we all went for lunch with the puppies and we let them off leash to have a little play. It was so funny. They had a ball running after each other and it was a little tricky trying to catch them!
This past weekend Eve and I were at the dog park and started heading home. We saw a lab puppy who is the same age and same colour as Eve. They could be sisters. We have seen them over the past months but it had been awhile. I let Eve say hello even though I shouldn't when she is on leash. I learned my lesson. The other dog attacked Eve, pinned her down and the owner had to pry her off. Eve was hysterical and yelping and ran into my arms. The other dog had bitten her face and she was bleeding a bit. We made it home and then headed to Nikki's for dinner.
While at Nikki's Eve stuck her head in Tucker's doggie toy box which was located under the end table. All of sudden the table started dragging across the room with Eve stuck under it. What was going on? The table had a lamp and lit candles on it and thankfully we came to the rescue in time. Eve's collar was stuck on the curly decoration rod on the table and she couldn't get out! Oh my goodness....that is why you need to take a dog's collar off when they are home alone. You just never know what trouble they can get in to. Poor Evey...she was having a bad day!
This is a photo of Eve and I at the parade!
This past weekend Eve and I were at the dog park and started heading home. We saw a lab puppy who is the same age and same colour as Eve. They could be sisters. We have seen them over the past months but it had been awhile. I let Eve say hello even though I shouldn't when she is on leash. I learned my lesson. The other dog attacked Eve, pinned her down and the owner had to pry her off. Eve was hysterical and yelping and ran into my arms. The other dog had bitten her face and she was bleeding a bit. We made it home and then headed to Nikki's for dinner.
While at Nikki's Eve stuck her head in Tucker's doggie toy box which was located under the end table. All of sudden the table started dragging across the room with Eve stuck under it. What was going on? The table had a lamp and lit candles on it and thankfully we came to the rescue in time. Eve's collar was stuck on the curly decoration rod on the table and she couldn't get out! Oh my goodness....that is why you need to take a dog's collar off when they are home alone. You just never know what trouble they can get in to. Poor Evey...she was having a bad day!
This is a photo of Eve and I at the parade!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Day 238 - Week 35 GROWING UP
I have just returned from a 3 week vacation to the Philippines and Hong Kong. This means that little Eve had to stay behind. This time she stayed with Linnea and her failed puppy, 5-year old Dunbar. Linnea provided me with updates and pictures while I was away, and it was great to hear how she was doing. Eve had a wonderful time having a play mate every day. She went to concerts and rehearsals. She even went to visit a seniors home. Of course she was a hit everywhere she went. Linnea really enjoyed her and let me know that any time I go on vacation to give her a call! It's so great to hear such positive feedback on Eve. Being my first puppy, I never can tell how she is really doing.
Eve was ecstatic to see me when I returned. She gave me these little love bites on my arms. It was very affectionate but it did cause a little bruising!
We are now back to our routine. Yesterday we met with Puppy Maggie and they had a wonderful time on our 1 1/2 hour walk. Eve was so exhausted when we returned home that she slept the entire day. Sadly, Maggie has an issue with her elbow and had to be pulled from the Guide Dog program! We are really going to miss her.
Eve is getting more gorgeous every day and behaving so well! There was one girl at obedience class this week that was picking up her brand new puppy the following day. Oh boy, am I ever glad we are past the puppy stage! My baby is growing up so quickly!
Eve was ecstatic to see me when I returned. She gave me these little love bites on my arms. It was very affectionate but it did cause a little bruising!
We are now back to our routine. Yesterday we met with Puppy Maggie and they had a wonderful time on our 1 1/2 hour walk. Eve was so exhausted when we returned home that she slept the entire day. Sadly, Maggie has an issue with her elbow and had to be pulled from the Guide Dog program! We are really going to miss her.
Eve is getting more gorgeous every day and behaving so well! There was one girl at obedience class this week that was picking up her brand new puppy the following day. Oh boy, am I ever glad we are past the puppy stage! My baby is growing up so quickly!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 197 - Week 29 MY NEW PUPPY
Eve and I spent our first week apart as I flew off to Colorado for a business trip. Thankfully she was left in great hands with Rupert and Bev. If you are going to leave your puppy with anyone and you can score Rupert and Bev you are very lucky! Well I got lucky. Eve had a wonderful time and she has come back a new puppy. Even Ellen asked what was wrong with Eve. She does not jump on people any more, she is a lot more calm (or is that because she is sad that she missed her puppy buddy Purdy?), she is incredible to take on a walk and no longer drags me to the dog park, she barely barks and the best part of it all....SHE RIDES ESCALATORS!!!! She really does. I have taken her five times now and she doesn't even hesitate, just walks right on. I'm so proud of her. They told me they practiced a lot with two other pups. Purdy in front and another pup behind her who kept pushing her butt from behind to get her on the escalator. I can't thank Rupert enough...he is just so great with these dogs.
Today after work I took Eve to Coopers park to have a little play with the other dogs. It was a nice evening and there were 21 (I counted them) dogs. She had a blast! Now she is passed out she is so tired. I love her! She's really going to enjoy hanging out at the bars for the next two months as we cheer on the Canucks on their way to the Stanley Cup!
This is a picture of Eve and Linda of BC Guide Dogs months ago when she was trying to get Eve on an escalator!
Today after work I took Eve to Coopers park to have a little play with the other dogs. It was a nice evening and there were 21 (I counted them) dogs. She had a blast! Now she is passed out she is so tired. I love her! She's really going to enjoy hanging out at the bars for the next two months as we cheer on the Canucks on their way to the Stanley Cup!
This is a picture of Eve and Linda of BC Guide Dogs months ago when she was trying to get Eve on an escalator!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Day 186 - Week 27 BAD EVE
I can't believe I have had Eve for 1/2 year already! Oh my goodness the time is flying! She is still growing and loves to eat. The other day we went to visit her buddy Kobe and the first thing she did was head for his food bowl and chowed down. She inhales her food and does not chew as I discovered when she puked in a restaurant a few weeks ago. At first I thought "How did that dog food get there?" It literally looked like someone had poured her new kibbles.
At the last obedience class we had to get the pups to sit, stay and then we take a walk around the gym and head back to the dogs who are obediently waiting. We do this at almost every class. WELL what do you think Evey was up to this time? She began running around the gym having a grand ole time while we all chased her down. OH BOY! So, this week I have taken her twice to the enclosed basketball courts at the park. We started off pretty well until she decided it was play time! Off she went. Running all around the court, while I was in hot pursuit! There was one section with about 3 inches of water and she had a blast galloping through there. She ate a popsicle stick (which is yet to pass through her), half a dozen worms and God only knows what else. I was furious. I wanted to strangle her! I then decided to leave the court and see what she would do. Oh no...I've locked the door and now I can't get back in! Panic! Of course there was Eve on the inside sitting all pretty now. Eventually I figured out the trick to the door and after several attempts finally caught her. Oh...Good Eve for finally coming. It is very difficult to praise her when all I want to do is scream! We went back the next evening and what do you know. She started her shenanigans again. Running around. I need help or is this just a phase!?
Well we must be on our way. Off to the escalators - our other challenge!
I'm off to Beaver Creek, Colorado on Saturday for a business symposium. Eve is staying with Rupert and Bev and hopefully they will straighten her out! Wish them luck!
Frustrated Andrea & Adorable BAD Eve!
At the last obedience class we had to get the pups to sit, stay and then we take a walk around the gym and head back to the dogs who are obediently waiting. We do this at almost every class. WELL what do you think Evey was up to this time? She began running around the gym having a grand ole time while we all chased her down. OH BOY! So, this week I have taken her twice to the enclosed basketball courts at the park. We started off pretty well until she decided it was play time! Off she went. Running all around the court, while I was in hot pursuit! There was one section with about 3 inches of water and she had a blast galloping through there. She ate a popsicle stick (which is yet to pass through her), half a dozen worms and God only knows what else. I was furious. I wanted to strangle her! I then decided to leave the court and see what she would do. Oh no...I've locked the door and now I can't get back in! Panic! Of course there was Eve on the inside sitting all pretty now. Eventually I figured out the trick to the door and after several attempts finally caught her. Oh...Good Eve for finally coming. It is very difficult to praise her when all I want to do is scream! We went back the next evening and what do you know. She started her shenanigans again. Running around. I need help or is this just a phase!?
Well we must be on our way. Off to the escalators - our other challenge!
I'm off to Beaver Creek, Colorado on Saturday for a business symposium. Eve is staying with Rupert and Bev and hopefully they will straighten her out! Wish them luck!
Frustrated Andrea & Adorable BAD Eve!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Day 168 - Week 25 CATCHING UP
It has been a month since our last post and so much has happened!
Eve recovered nicely from her operation (she was spayed on Feb 10). Two weeks of recovery was a long time as we couldn't play with other dogs or go into the dog park. But thankfully we both survived.
Eve attended her first ever Canucks hockey game thanks to Penny and John Ryan. She was a hit as she always is. They brought out a carpet for her to lie on and they even put her on the big screen where she got a lot of AHHHHHHHHH's! It was pretty cute. Ver came with us and we all had a good time despite the loss. I was worried that when the Canucks scored she would freak out from the noise of the crowd, but we never got to find out how she would react as we lost 3-0 to Nashville. The picture below is the 3 of us at the game.
Obedience class is going all right. She is having some issues with staying when I leave the room. She gets up which is not allowed. We will have to work on that. She is also still petrified of Escalators and we need to somehow over come it.
As we speak she keeps bringing me her toys one at a time to play with her. It is very difficult to write this blog.
We promise not to wait too long for our next entry.
Until next time...
Eve recovered nicely from her operation (she was spayed on Feb 10). Two weeks of recovery was a long time as we couldn't play with other dogs or go into the dog park. But thankfully we both survived.
Eve attended her first ever Canucks hockey game thanks to Penny and John Ryan. She was a hit as she always is. They brought out a carpet for her to lie on and they even put her on the big screen where she got a lot of AHHHHHHHHH's! It was pretty cute. Ver came with us and we all had a good time despite the loss. I was worried that when the Canucks scored she would freak out from the noise of the crowd, but we never got to find out how she would react as we lost 3-0 to Nashville. The picture below is the 3 of us at the game.
Obedience class is going all right. She is having some issues with staying when I leave the room. She gets up which is not allowed. We will have to work on that. She is also still petrified of Escalators and we need to somehow over come it.
As we speak she keeps bringing me her toys one at a time to play with her. It is very difficult to write this blog.
We promise not to wait too long for our next entry.
Until next time...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Day 140 - Week 21 - SURGERY TIME
As mentioned weeks earlier, Eve has been pulled from the breeding program and so this past week she was spayed! I dropped her off bright and early thursday morning and at 3:30 I picked her up at the same time that McGregor was being picked up. We got our post-surgery instructions, medicine and cone and then out came Eve and McGregor. They were both a little loopy and bother were whining. Now if you know McGregor he has been a whiner since he was born, but to hear the two of them together was heart breaking. My little baby was crying! We got in the car and I made my way from Surrey to Downtown with my little one crying the whole way. I got her home and made her comfortable and she wouldn't let me leave her side. I had to cuddle with her and she was shivering. I kept her warm with a blanket and my body heat. It was a difficult night for poor Eve. She cried til about 2am and then finally settled into a deep sleep. By morning she was much better and now 3 days later she is back to normal. Unfortunately she is not allowed to go to the doggie park until her stitches are removed on the 24th. And no off leash rough play with other dogs. This is going to be a tough couple of weeks.
We got a new bed at Costco today for Eve and it is awesome as we both fit on it. We are enjoying it very much! Ok...Eve just got a hold of the computer mouse so I guess that means it is time to go! Till next time...
We got a new bed at Costco today for Eve and it is awesome as we both fit on it. We are enjoying it very much! Ok...Eve just got a hold of the computer mouse so I guess that means it is time to go! Till next time...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 123 - Week 18 - LOVE OF PUPPIES (January 27, 2011)
I hope you all got to watch the segment on Global TV news this past week where they featured BC Guide Dogs. It was very good and of course I started crying as I thought of my little one all grown up and helping guide someone blind through life. How proud I will be of her!
Bill of BC Guide Dogs, mentioned how the puppy raisers take care of the little ones and how they manage to destroy our homes and then when they are perfect we have to give them back. Well...I already think she is perfect but let me share with you some of the things she has destroyed in my home.
Chewing and ruining the legs of my dining room chairs, my sofa leg, my bed raisers, rumerous rolls of toilet paper, my Coach bag, my jackets, scratches on my beautful hard word floors, my blackberry, her leash, my slippers, baskets, plastic storeage containers. The book and magazines she tore to shreds. Oh and of course the time she electrocuted herself when she bit right through my computer power cord ! Cost me $70 to replace it!
But I would go through it all again. I love her to death!
Although we are a long way off, I asked Linda how much notice we are given when they take the pups back. She jokingly said, "The day we drop off a new 8-week puppy at your door step you will know!"
Bill of BC Guide Dogs, mentioned how the puppy raisers take care of the little ones and how they manage to destroy our homes and then when they are perfect we have to give them back. Well...I already think she is perfect but let me share with you some of the things she has destroyed in my home.
Chewing and ruining the legs of my dining room chairs, my sofa leg, my bed raisers, rumerous rolls of toilet paper, my Coach bag, my jackets, scratches on my beautful hard word floors, my blackberry, her leash, my slippers, baskets, plastic storeage containers. The book and magazines she tore to shreds. Oh and of course the time she electrocuted herself when she bit right through my computer power cord ! Cost me $70 to replace it!
But I would go through it all again. I love her to death!
Although we are a long way off, I asked Linda how much notice we are given when they take the pups back. She jokingly said, "The day we drop off a new 8-week puppy at your door step you will know!"
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Day 119 - Week 18 SMILES (Jan 23, 2011)
One of my favourite things about Puppy Eve is the smiles she puts on everyone's faces! As we walk down the streets of Vancouver every day, this little one makes people of all ages smile! It really is a wonderful site and I never really took much notice of it in the beginning. Probably because it was stressful just taking her out for a walk. Remember those days? I couldn't even get her to walk a block and I felt trapped in my condo for weeks! Times have changed. Now I notice the big smiles of everyone who sees her. It is amazing how this animal can bring such joy to people. She is pretty gorgeous if I do say so myself!
She is pretty well mannered now especially in public. It is easy to take her anywhere. She loves friday night drinks at the bar and weekend hockey games at the pub. And yes she gets a lot of attention everywhere she goes. She is definitely loved by all...just take a look at the smiles on these faces!
She is pretty well mannered now especially in public. It is easy to take her anywhere. She loves friday night drinks at the bar and weekend hockey games at the pub. And yes she gets a lot of attention everywhere she goes. She is definitely loved by all...just take a look at the smiles on these faces!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 110 - Week 16 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Jan 14 2010)
Happy 6 month birthday to my little baby, Eve! AND Happy 15th birthday to my beautiful niece, Makayla! Hugs, love and kisses!
After 4 weeks off, it was back to Obedience class today! Considering the time off, she did pretty well. We are now in a class of 17 dogs! WOW it is a lot of distraction. By the end of the class, Eve sleept for hours. She is mentally exhausted after the classes. But overall, I must say I was very proud of her. We do have a few things to work on...recall (Eve sit, stay, come). The sit and stay is very good but running off to the other puppies instead of to me...NOT SO GOOD! "Down" is another one we have to work on. She understands it but only does it when she feels like it.
6 months old! She is growing up so quickly! We must run...we are going out for drinks tonight. This is Eve in my dad's closet. She loves small, dark spaces to sleep in!
Until next time...Andrea & Eve
After 4 weeks off, it was back to Obedience class today! Considering the time off, she did pretty well. We are now in a class of 17 dogs! WOW it is a lot of distraction. By the end of the class, Eve sleept for hours. She is mentally exhausted after the classes. But overall, I must say I was very proud of her. We do have a few things to work on...recall (Eve sit, stay, come). The sit and stay is very good but running off to the other puppies instead of to me...NOT SO GOOD! "Down" is another one we have to work on. She understands it but only does it when she feels like it.
6 months old! She is growing up so quickly! We must run...we are going out for drinks tonight. This is Eve in my dad's closet. She loves small, dark spaces to sleep in!
Until next time...Andrea & Eve
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 103 - Week 15 - THE SHOWER
I love shower time 'cause Eve is so cute! She will be playing, sleeping or just minding her own business, so I will get in the shower for my daily routine. As soon as I turn on the shower and get in, I turn around and there is littly Puppy Eve's head peaking around the shower curtain at me! Every morning! She then licks up the water on the tub, so I splash a little more water over there to keep her entertained. After a while she gets bored and leaves or sometimes curls up on the bath mat and waits for me.(Ok, this sounds like I spend hours in the shower, but really I don't!)
As soon as I turn off the shower she is back in the bathroom and starts barking at me to get out! She then starts to lick my legs which I hate! She then proceeds to sit and watch me get ready for the day. Moisturize, brush my hair, apply my makeup, brush my teeth, get dressed. It's our daily routine!
She is really growing up and is so cute. She weighed in at the vet this week at a whopping 42 lbs. On the 14th of January, which is one week away she will officially be 6 months old!
Speaking of the vet! We are getting pretty familiar with that place unfortunately! Eve has had a bout of the runs every 2-3 weeks since she arrived from California. It lasts between 4-5 days and those are sleepless nights. The vet is doing extensive analysis on her poop and hopefully they can get to the bottom of this mess! Other than that, she is a beautiful, happy, amazing pup! Oh yeah...great news. Her head bobbing issue has completely stopped!
Here is a picture of Eve with my nieces over the Christmas holidays.
As soon as I turn off the shower she is back in the bathroom and starts barking at me to get out! She then starts to lick my legs which I hate! She then proceeds to sit and watch me get ready for the day. Moisturize, brush my hair, apply my makeup, brush my teeth, get dressed. It's our daily routine!
She is really growing up and is so cute. She weighed in at the vet this week at a whopping 42 lbs. On the 14th of January, which is one week away she will officially be 6 months old!
Speaking of the vet! We are getting pretty familiar with that place unfortunately! Eve has had a bout of the runs every 2-3 weeks since she arrived from California. It lasts between 4-5 days and those are sleepless nights. The vet is doing extensive analysis on her poop and hopefully they can get to the bottom of this mess! Other than that, she is a beautiful, happy, amazing pup! Oh yeah...great news. Her head bobbing issue has completely stopped!
Here is a picture of Eve with my nieces over the Christmas holidays.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 100 - Week 15 HAPPY NEW YEAR
Happy New Year everyone!
Hard to believe that my little bundle of joy has been with me for 100 days now! Time is going way too quickly!
We had a wonderful holiday up in the Okanagan and Eve is a natural flyer. She was a hit at the airport of course. She is such a cutey! We had bulk head seating, row 1 and she pretty much took over the entire row herself. Fortunately on both flights the people beside us had no problems with this. They were thrilled to be sitting with her!
Well we start a new year and Eve and I are both excited about this. Many new things and adventures to come our way in 2011.
We will be chatting again soon!
This is a picture of my dad taking Eve for a snowy walk over the holidays.
Hard to believe that my little bundle of joy has been with me for 100 days now! Time is going way too quickly!
We had a wonderful holiday up in the Okanagan and Eve is a natural flyer. She was a hit at the airport of course. She is such a cutey! We had bulk head seating, row 1 and she pretty much took over the entire row herself. Fortunately on both flights the people beside us had no problems with this. They were thrilled to be sitting with her!
Well we start a new year and Eve and I are both excited about this. Many new things and adventures to come our way in 2011.
We will be chatting again soon!
This is a picture of my dad taking Eve for a snowy walk over the holidays.
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